Natural enhancement of potency without pills

Many diseases await men in our time. But what could sound scarier than a diagnosis of impotence? It is scary when a person at the dawn of his powers begins to feel inferior, abandoned, unloved. Only then the main and clear task in life becomes the strengthening of potency. Only then is the person ready to apply any treatment methods, to run to the doctors for help. And only then does he start taking care of himself.

Relationships built on love increase a man's potency

What improves potency? This issue does not allow a person to exist normally. During this period, the patient's psyche becomes very vulnerable, which worsens the already deplorable situation.

But there are no hopeless situations. It should be remembered that you are not the only one who has faced this problem. It is necessary to search and, of course, to find the right methods of treating impotence. You must understand that increased potency in men is the work of men themselves.

Correctly establish the cause of the disease

It is often very difficult to make the decision to take the first step in treatment. But you should go to a doctor so that he can help you determine the cause of potency disorders.

There are aphrodisiac products that increase potency

They are divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Physical causes that occur concurrently with or because of cardiovascular, neurological, or endocrine disease.
  2. Psychological reasons related to the patient's impaired mental self-esteem. Much depends on the relationship between the partners.
  3. While treating their chronic ailments with pills, few people pay attention to their effect on the body's genitourinary system. When taken orally, some drugs can have a harmful effect both on the formation of spermatozoa themselves and on the male libido.

The attending physician, who knows all your genetic predispositions, acute and chronic diseases, will help you deal with the cause.

Once the cause is identified, treatment can begin.

Taking a pill is much easier than a meaningful approach to the treatment of potency disorders. But! Tablets, as a medicinal form, consist of chemical, "foreign" substances for our body. They reach not only the diseased organ, but are carried with the blood flow to every cell of almost all organs. There they have their side effects.

Drug treatment can cause psychological dependence, and by withdrawing the drug, we will get an untreated disease "squared". But the main principle in treatment is to do no harm.

Treatment of impotence should begin with a change in lifestyle.

Harmony of life

Relationships should be built on love, trust and understanding. Quantity does not always mean quality. Avoid casual, casual sex.

Increased potency in 80% of patients' cases is provided by the right lifestyle.

We reduce the impact of negative factors

A harmonious relationship with a regular partner is the basis of good potency

Everyone knows about the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver. And the liver controls the normal activity of the gonads. As a consequence of this fact - a decrease in the production of sex hormones. In a state of intoxication, tactile sensitivity is greatly reduced, which leads to a violation of the ejaculation process.

Nicotine disrupts the microcirculation in the vessels of the pelvic organs, which often leads to thrombosis (clogging) of the vessels of the penis and permanent impotence.

The result of the use of narcotic substances is the development of irreversible polyneuropathies. In this disease, the chains of nerve impulses are destroyed, the innervation of the penis is reduced to zero.

Moderation in food

A man's nutrition significantly affects the strengthening of male potency. Food should not only bring taste pleasure, but also be useful. It must contain:

  1. Vitamins A, E and C, which improve blood circulation, nerve conduction and stimulate the proper functioning of the gonads.
  2. A sufficient amount of trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium.
  3. Easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates.

Products useful for men

Useful products in a man's diet will help increase potency

Eat meat and fish, which contain a lot of building material (proteins) for cells and biologically active substances (provitamins, omega-3 fatty acids) that activate all metabolic processes in the body. Season the main dishes with spices (pepper, coriander), enrich the diet with natural aphrodisiacs. From sweets, eat honey, dried fruits, nuts.

A side dish for a real man will be spinach, parsley, celery and parsnip salads.

Use proven folk methods in everyday life. Drink medicinal herb potions. They will help to tone all body systems after a hard day's work.

Walks and exercises

Proper gymnastics and regular walks in the fresh air are great ways to increase potency.

When walking, a person's body is enriched with oxygen, the blood supply to the organs improves. Spend them together with your soulmate and the harmony of the relationship will strengthen.

A special complex of exercises has been developed, which is used to increase male strength.

  1. Exercise 1. We walk in place, raising our knees as high as possible.
  2. Exercise 2. We stand, hands on the belt. We slowly begin to bend the legs in the knee joints, while at the same time strongly tensing and relaxing the gluteal muscles.
  3. Exercise 3. We perform a quick run in place, but do not tear the socks off the floor, only the heels rise.
  4. Exercise 4. From a lying position, hands next to the body, we perform the "bridge".

After performing the above exercises, the blood circulation in the genital organs increases significantly, the erection improves.

Reduce workload and stress

Fight against fatigue. Provide your body with good sleep and active rest. Avoid physical and mental overload.

Learn to simply give your loved one health and you won't be hearing about potency pills for a long time.